Friday, November 13, 2015

[NATURE] Up in the sky.......

I love staring up to the sky whenever I get a chance, better it be during the day or at night.  Perhaps hoping to find something unusual up there?  hehe~~ Well, our atmosphere has been covered in thick haze the past one month or so, and it's indeed great to get clear view and fresher air back in action!!

Took this one on the early morning of 09-Nov-2015, slightly before 6 am when I was on my way out to send my daughter to school.  We don't get to see moon and planets line up in straight line visible to naked eyes very often.

From the bottom
Moon -> Venus -> Mars (unfortunately it's too tiny to be captured by phone camera lens) - Jupiter

Was stick at traffic light junction late this morning, when I suddenly stare out of the window and saw this partial sun halo.

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