Friday, October 23, 2015

[COLORING] More books!!!

These are some of the books that arrived this week.

Bought these from MerryBunny.  Although her pricing is a bit more pricey, but for titles that are not available in stores here, I guess it's not that bad.  Her service is good and fast!  She includes cute freebies too!

These are my orders from MPH Online store.  I pre-ordered "Lost Ocean" early last month. Wasn't expecting the title to reach me way before expected delivery date.  Comes with Staedtler Triplus fineliner, a Whimpy Kid's Read-a-thon badge and a MPH bookmark.  "Nature 70 Designs to Help You De-Stress" is from one of my previous outstanding order due to stock unavailability.

So many books, so little time to color!  What am I to do?!?!~~~  LOL!  Guess I'll take my sweet time.  Looking at the books itself already makes me feel calm and relax.  Hehehe~~~

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